711tek toddler potty training seat with step stool ladder. learning to potty like a big kid should be safe and comfortable. the 711tek toddler potty training seat with step stool ladder is not only super safe with 4 non-slip grips on the foot of the adjustable ladder but pleasant for that little tush. the ergonomically designed toddler training seat supports a growing spine but also has a padded seat cover for added comfort (don’t worry it velcros in and out for easy cleaning).. This potty comes with stickers that your child can choose from and customize his/her own seat. it is also advisable for practical moms because you can use it for the three stages in potty training: stand-alone potty, removable training seat and step stool. it is literally like an all-in-1 potty training seat.. Summer 2-in-1 toilet trainer (round, white) – potty training seat that accommodates toddlers and adults – measures 15” long and fits most round toilet seats, includes hardware, easy to install 4.1 out of 5 stars 4,274.
Potty chair vs. potty seat. there are two potty training options: a free standing potty chair or a kid-size seat that fits into your standard toilet. the potty chair is portable and easy for your child to sit down on since it’s a miniature version of the real thing. but you’ll have to dump the contents of its dry basin into a regular toilet.