Sabtu, 30 April 2016

Preparing yourself with some good advice

When you decide its time to train your dog, its very common to be a bit lost. Good dog-training skills come naturally to very few people. In order to train your pet properly, preparing yourself with some good advice is an excellent idea. This article contains good guidelines for several different aspects of dog training.

If any sudden behavioral issue occurs, take the dog to the vet to make sure that there is not a health issue involved. Sometimes pain and other health conditions can cause some animals to act strangely or lash out. Animals cant tell us when something is wrong, so they depend on us to interpret their behaviors.

 Giving your dog mental stimulation is an important part of keeping your pet happy and healthy. Visit your local pet shop for new and entertaining toys for your dog on a regular basis. Bored dogs will often turn to chewing furniture, shoes or even drywall, to amuse themselves if they are not given proper stimulation.

 Use your dogs name whenever you are offering it a treat. This will direct his attention to you immediately every time, and especially right before you issue a command. Use your dogs name several times a day. If you need to punish your dog, go to your dog. Dont call him or her to you and then punish.

 To learn how to effectively train your dog, you may want to take an obedience class. The instructors at these schools are trained to deal with a variety of different dogs, even the impossible cases. They can teach a dog to follow commands, heel on a leash and to stop any unnecessary barking.

 Anxiety in dogs often leads to destructive behavior like chewing or clawing. Placing the dog in a safe environment such as a dog crate and providing a chew toy keeps the dog safe and occupied until your return.

 Most cases associated to dog bites result from fear. This occurs whenever dogs feel trapped, threatened, and frightened. Dogs cannot be trained through force. This makes your dog more likely to bite. Your dog will be ready and willing to regard you as the dominant one.

 Dogs tend to concentrate on one thing to the exclusion of everything else unless that concentration is interrupted. With enough training, you will have your dog focusing solely on your signals.

 Once you decide to train your dog, it is very important that you continue with the training no matter what. Without reinforcement, your dog will revert to his old behaviors. You always need to keep training your dog, just like you need to continue feeding it and providing it shelter.

 Avoid tug-of-war games when training a puppy. These games often encourage a puppy to start biting. Dont let this behavior take root by avoiding these games until the dog is older.

 If your dog chews things when you leave him in the house alone, consider building a doghouse and leaving him outside when you go out. When this is not possible due to weather or living in an urban area, close your doors to all of your rooms. This keeps your dog out of your things. Be sure to leave chew toys out for them.

 Always give your dog the tools for success. If you are training it to stop chewing things it shouldnt be chewing on, give it things that it can chew on. In addition, keep the household objects that could be dangerous away from your pet. Items like hairbrushes can cause a dog to choke or could block their airway.

 Training should be done when the dog is young. This is not concrete, but it is known that puppies respond easier to training. If you start training your dog when he is young, he will be almost as well-behaved as a child.

 Remember how many treats you reward your dog with during the course of the day to avoid fattening him up. A lot of people forget to account for treats given during training when considering a dogs diet plan.

 Stay consistent when training your dog. Write down the commands that you use and then make sure each person who needs to know them does. Behavior should be rewarded or not depending on the affect that is being sought. When the people around the dog use different commands and responses, he may become confused and training could suffer.

 Teach everyone in your family to use the same commands to train your dog. Avoid confusion when it comes to disciplining your dog; keep command words consistent throughout the household. Using consistent commands all the time from every person who trains the dog will make training much less confusing for the dog.

 Using a clicker can help them behave better. Using a clicker is simple. Use it to make a good association between the noise and when something good occurs. Try clicking and treating immediately, and doing this several times over a few days. Your dog will soon know that the clicking noise means that they are doing a good job.

 To help you train your dog you should know what kinds of foods your dog likes to eat. Since these will be the rewards for good behavior when you are training the dog, it should be something that really motivates him. Make note of your dogs reaction when the reward is offered.

 Behavior problems that suddenly occur with no reason may indicate a medical problem that needs to be evaluated by a veterinarian. Your dog might be acting out because he is suffering. This behavior may be his way of telling you that there is something wrong with him.

 A clicker works well when training most dogs. Using a clicker is as simple as showing your dog that good things happen when the clicking noise is heard. Try using this technique right away, doing it frequently over a span of a few days. Your dog will soon know that the clicking noise means that they are doing a good job.

 Since you now have what you need, you can use this information to properly train your dog. If youve struggled to determine the right place to start your training efforts, you now have a clear answer..

Using A Dog Training Shock Collar

When you are looking at dog training, shock collars is definitely an effective tool. However, they have to supply properly and safely if you are likely to train your pet together. In the following paragraphs, Ill demonstrate using shock collars to do this goal.

A shock collar is definitely an electronic dog collar which will send a surprise towards the dog once they make a move wrong. Many of these kinds of collars include different amounts of shocks that may be administered, and really should be set properly is bigger from the dog. A surprise is going to be sent in the transmitter towards the receiver from the dogs collar. You control the transmitter to transmit signals whenever your dog does something you dont approve.

Its an easy idea -- whenever your dog does a problem, you signal a surprise towards the dog. They may not decipher it the very first time, but when they are doing exactly the same thing again and obtain shocked, they may start noticing a pattern. When they get it done 3 or 4 more times and get a shock if he or she did that same behavior, then soon theyll believe that doing that behavior causes these phones get shocked. Thus, theyll stop doing that behavior.

An electronic shock collar may be used to stop many different types of misbehaviors in dogs, for example jumping on furniture or visitors, digging holes outside, chewing on things and so forth.

It is essential you have your transmitter you all the time to help you administer shocks immediately when the dog misbehaves. It is necessary that you simply start the shock at the smallest setting possible which means you dont send an excessive amount of electricity towards the collar. In case your dog isnt attentive to the reduced shock then boost the settings on the collar.

If your dog begins to panic or becomes excessively loud after being shocked, then your then you possess the shock gain levels to much. In this instance, ensure that you decrease it. You need to discipline your dog, not make it get into an anxiety.

It is essential the dog training shock collar be employed to modify misbehavior and never aggressive behavior. Biting and attacking others is one thing that you wont correct having a simple electronic collar. In this instance, an expert trainer may be required.


Spend time with your dog

Every dog requires training to some extent in order to learn what to do and of course, what not to do. These tips should help you train your dog.

Teach your puppy his or her name before you start to train him or her, as this creates a bond. Use his name frequently, and make clear that you want him to respond by coming to you when you call his name. There is no other word your puppy should be taught first. Make sure to spend time with your dog in order for him to learn and trust you. When you set this trust early on, the puppy will be more open to the next steps in training.

 Training is a great way to help your dog with separation anxiety. It is quite possible that if your dog frequently barks unceasingly or damages your belongings when you leave, he or she is actually suffering from separation anxiety. You need to take the time to train your dog to not engage in these undesirable behaviors while youre not home. A great way to ease your dogs anxiety is through love and compassion.

 Use the dogs name often when training to ensure that you have their attention. By using his name all the time in the first month of having our dog, he should associate his name with focusing on you. Choose a short name that is easily recognizable from other words.

 A wise tip in canine training is to always call the dog by his rightful name, rather than using any nickname or other deviation. To maintain control of your dog, you must be able to encourage a favorable response. Try this with your dog at least ten to twenty times. Avoid confusion by not calling your dog to you for punishment.

 Use the appropriate tone of voice when you are correcting your pet. Dogs tend to be well in tune with how their trainers are feeling. An appropriately stern tone can reinforce discipline.

 When training your dog never punish him; doing so will only make him be resistant to any further training. You should make every effort to prevent the behavior in the first place, but if your pet does misbehave, show him what he should have done instead. You should make training a time to interact with your dog, you want to build a positive relationship with him.

 You need to let your dog be a dog, so give him some time to burn off that energy. Your dog requires a healthy diet, room to exercise, and plenty of activities and toys to keep him or her busy.

 Communication is the basis for dog training. As you train and interact with your dog, you must be consistent and straightforward. This applies to corrections and rewards, as well as your body language, when training. Remember to always pay attention to the communication signals from your dog. The animal will usually let you know what he or she is feeling.

 In order to get your dog to obey you, it may be wise to take obedience classes. The obedience instructors can teach you a variety of ways to deal with issues such as your dog not listening, excessive barking, or disobedience toward commands.

 Ensure that your dog understands the rules. This means everyone living in the house needs to enforce the boundaries you set. This will quickly undo all of your hard work and training.

 Dont bog your puppy down with more information than he can process. You need to keep your training sessions short so that your puppy pays attention. If training sessions are too long, the puppy wont remember the specifics of the training session, just that is was grueling and exhausting. This will make it harder to train him next time.

 When house-breaking your puppy, choose a specific phrase to use when its time to go outdoors. When you take your dog out, repeat this command. This will help him form an association between being taken outside and doing his business.

 It is vital to train your dog when its still a puppy. Younger dogs learn more quickly and easier than older canines. Beginning your dogs training when he is still young will help him to be a well-behaved dog as he ages.

 Training your dog can be much easier if you use a crate. Use a consistent schedule for proper crate training of your dog. Over time, a dog that is properly crated trained is less prone to having accidents inside the home.

 Be sure to have your dog spayed or neutered at six months. You should do this at the same time you first take the dog to obedience training. A dog that has been spayed or neutered will be a more obedient dog. By spaying or neutering a dog he will have a longer happier life.

 Although there are many benefits to using a harness, you will have less control over your dog than if he is wearing a cinch collar. Keep your dog on his harness, but also use your cinching collar. Tug on his collar when its absolutely necessary, and your dog will soon learn how to obey wearing the harness alone.

 You should not initiate a training session unless you are in a calm and patient mood. Be patient when training your puppy, so you can both stay focused.

 Communication is one of the essential aspects of training your dog. Make sure you are clear and consistent when you are working with your dog. This means to be consistent not only with words, but with corrections and rewards. Be well aware that your dog is telling you something too. They will inform you of whether or not they are overworked, anxious, or having a great day.

 You can prevent your dog from destroying your home by keeping it outdoors when you are away from the house. When this isnt possible, you want to provide things that both appeal to your dog and that are okay for the dog to chew on. Establishing acceptable chews toys is also about keeping those things you do not want your dog to chew up behind closed doors or well out out of reach.

 Dogs that have received no training are likely to destroy your possessions and try your patience. If you use the advice in this article, you will be ready to teach your dog that skills will help the owner-pet relationship..

Dog Training

Dogs are mans best friend. Despite that, sometimes they can grate on your nerves; barking, chewing, and the occasional nip can sour a relationship very quickly. Thats why its important to establish boundaries and make sure your dog is well-trained!

There are always plenty of guides to training dogs, both in print and online. But the trick is to find the best ones! Thats why weve exhaustively checked out dozens - hundreds! - of guides on the Web: to find the best guides and sites out there!

Jumat, 29 April 2016

Great Tips And Tricks On How To Train Your Dog Correctly

Remember that your dog has the intellect of an animal. You will be greatly disappointed if you think that they can. Read this article to understand a dogs psyche better, and know how to treat your pet.

When training your dog, always be sure that it feels safe. If your pet feels unsafe, it is more likely they will act out in a negative way. In order to eliminate this, you should ensure that you put your dog in a safe surrounding.

 To be the most successful in dog training, make sure your dogs need for exercise is being met before starting a new training project. Canines were meant to exercise regularly. They need to run and work in order to be healthy and happy. Register for agility classes, run with your dog, and teach him or her to play Frisbee to increase activity levels. Make the activity consistent and stimulating for your dog.

 There are a lot of tricks you can teach your dog to do; a common one is training him to hold a toy in his mouth without chewing it. Whenever he puts the toy in his mouth, give a treat and his clicker reward. After your dog succeeds in mouthing an object a few times, move on to rewarding the dog for picking it up with his mouth. Once he does, click and reward. As he gets even better, only give him a reward for holding the plushie in his mouth for a few seconds.

 Training should be an enjoyable activity for your dog. Try not to make training sessions any longer than 15 minutes. That will keep his attention. Keep your rewards coming and vary what you give them. Make sure you shower praise on your dog when they do well. When the dog enjoys their training, they will listen better.

 Accidents are bound to happen while housebreaking your puppy. Clean accidents right away to speed up training. Animals are inclined to eliminate repeatedly in spots where they can smell urine or feces, and carpets require special care. There are many products on the market that can help with this, so check with your local pet shop.

 When training a puppy or dog that is new to your family, it is a wonderful idea to keep the entire family involved during the training. You may have one member of the family that does much of the training with him, but by having the entire family take part in the training, he will learn that he must obey each person that lives in the home.

 Playing tug-of-war with your puppy makes training less effective. Games, such as wrestling, chasing or tugging, teaches the puppy to nip or bite at your hands. This behavior is very difficult to break, so you should avoid these games while they are still a puppy.

 One of the most basic dog training tips around is to use your dogs name to command its attention. This will direct his attention to you immediately every time, and especially right before you issue a command. Get your dogs attention this way ten times every day. Also, it is very inappropriate for you to call the dog over to you and then punish him, as this will teach him to fear you and discourage him from coming when called.

 Make sure everyone involved in a dogs training uses the same set of commands. Make sure everyone is on the same page with command words; if the command for being quiet is "quiet," dont let anyone use "stop barking." If everyone uses identical commands, the dog will learn much faster and you will have greater success.

 You can try a little bit of ingenuity if you are going with crate training for your indoor dog or puppy. If your puppy seems reluctant about entering the crate, place a chew toy inside and close the door to the kennel. The puppy will want to enter the kennel to retrieve the treat. Once in the crate, let them know they did a good job by praising them.

 Dogs have natural destructive behavior, so provide outlets for them to exercise their natural behaviors. Feed your dog a balanced diet, give them space to run, and provide them with activities that will burn energy.

 Limit the duration of training sessions. Your dog is going to get bored doing the same thing over and over. Try to limit initial training sessions to 10 minutes or less.

 Decide on a single phrase to use when housebreaking your new puppy. If you use the special phrase you have come up with each time you take him outside, you will get him to focus on what he is supposed to do.

 Teething is painful, and providing chew toys helps alleviate the pain. Keep items that are potentially more painful out of reach. Take it away, and give him a chew toy. A frozen washcloth can provide teething relief for your pup.

 Over-training your puppy will expose it to too much at once, rendering the training less effective. Brief, simple, positive training sessions are well-suited to the limited supply of energy and attention a pup has to work with. If you try to do too much, the puppy will probably not remember much except that it was an unpleasant experience, and that will make it more difficult when the time comes for the next training session.

 Do not tie more than one dog in the same area. It is possible for the chains to become intertwined, and the animals can be hurt as they try to get free. If a large dog becomes tangled with a smaller one they could wrap up to the point the airway of the latter is closed off and the dog would die.

 If your puppy is caught chewing on something unacceptable, stop him immediately. This will help your puppy understand what is acceptable and what is off limits.

 When training a dog it should always be done in a positive, motivated environment. Remember to reward desired behavior achieved by your dog while training, especially in response to specific requests. Using training techniques that are negative and based upon punishments will likely make your dog afraid, disobedient, and unhappy.

 A clicker works well when training most dogs. Using a clicker is as simple as showing your dog that good things happen when the clicking noise is heard. Try using this technique right away, doing it frequently over a span of a few days. Your dog will soon know that the clicking noise means that they are doing a good job.

 After learning some helpful hints on how to get through to your dog and train it to behave to your expectations you simply need to follow what you have learned. After changing your dogs behavior to fit with the tips suggested you can properly train your dog..

Happy Birthday Jasper!

Three years ago, I was looking to adopt a pug from Colorado Pug rescue, when I met a silly fawn Great Dane puppy.   He had a horrible birth defect in his eye, and his feet were bigger than large frying pans, but I fell in love.
Today, Jasper Jax is 3 years old- and I couldnt be happier that I didnt get a pug that day.

Happy Birthday Jasper!
We love you!


Please note:   If your dog is SICK or HURT~ Do NOT bring them to daycare or boarding unless it is discussed BEFORE HAND! This is a huge liability for us, and for you as a dog owner.

If you do show up with a sick or hurt dog, you will be charged a much higher rate, or will be turned away. We also reserve the right to send your dog to a different kennel, if information is not disclosed~ and we find out after the fact.

Closed for Remembrance Day

We will be closed Remembrance Day for Daycare & Boarding Pick up and Drop off. Have a wonderful long weekend. Daycare will resume as normal on Monday.

Kamis, 28 April 2016

Good News!

Its an off week for classes so I wont make the homework too hard for this week.  Our good news is that you can now register for classes yourself online!!!  Ive been working hard to get this set up for awhile now and Im thrilled to finally have it up and running.  We may need to work out a few bugs at first, so please let me know if you encounter any problems.

To get started go to the regular schedule page and click on the fantastic new "Book Now" button!  It looks like this:

  • You will be presented with the schedule view (make sure youre in the Puppy Preschool Schedule for Puppy Classes or the Family Dog Manners Schedule for all other classes (you can flip back and forth by clicking on the schedule name above the calendar).

  • When you want to enter a reservation you willl be asked to log in, first you must enter a special password which you will recieve at orientation, or in the email that got you to this blog post.

  • Next you must click on "Create New User Account" where youll need to enter an email address and password, and your dogs name (dont worry if you have multiple dogs that come to class, this can be changed each time you register for a class).

  • Once registered you can enter a new reservation for a slot, make sure you put the right dogs name if you have more than one.

  • Than youre done, if you need to cancel a class you can do that at any time, if a class you would like to attend is full you can still register and be put on a waiting list in case a slot opens up.

    Please let me know if you have any questions or problems registering!  If you have already registered for classes your spot is guarenteed, once youve created your account I can add you or remove you from a class as well, so double check the schedule on the website (which will go away in the next week) and make sure to register for the appropriate classes.  Let me know if you need help!

    UPDATED!!! January Drop In Sessions

    These sessions are for past clients who have finished our group training program OR clients looking to complete their 4th or 5th class. 

    Drop-in sessions are weather dependent. If it is a blizzard, high winds, bad/closed roads, temperatures below -30 degrees class will be cancelled. If you are not sure, please check back on a regular basis. It WILL be posted on this blog if it is cancelled. (and our Facebook page)

    **Due to our ever changing weather conditions, it is important that you come prepared to the classes- for your selves and your dogs. Please make sure you are dressed warm, in layers, and that your dog has sweaters/jackets on if necessary. Snow pants, layers, winter gloves and waterproof shoes are suggested.**

    Do you want to know how to "Layer Properly" to stay warm?

    MOST DROP IN SESSIONS & EVENTS WILL HAVE PICTURES TAKEN AT THEM- To see these pictures please check out our Facebook Page:

    Downtown Drop-In Session-FINISHED

    Time & Date: Monday, December.29th at 6pm
    Place: Meeting at the Wholesale Store across from Earls  
    Bring: HIGH Value Treats (NO KIBBLE), regular leads, training collars if necessary, PLEASE BE SURE TO HAVE A REGULAR COLLAR ON YOUR DOG. 
    Price: FREE 
    Working on: Confidence Boosting Drills, Distractions, informal and formal commands, desensitizing to cars, people, sounds...etc, working with sensitivities and problem behaviour. NEED TO WORK ON SOMETHING?!?! TALK TO US ;)

    Please Note: All dogs MUST be on-leash for this class. ONE DOG PER PERSON.

    ~ The world is our playground ~

    BX Dog Park Drop-In FINISHED

    **ACCEPTING DONATIONS for Vernon and District Animal Care Society for the month of January. For more info please visit their Facebook Page:**

    Time & Date: Sunday, January. 4th at Noon
    Place: Bx Ranch Dog Park 
    Bring: Treats (No kibble), long leads, training collars if necessary, dogs favourite toy (as long as you can carry it), squeaky toy if you are a soft spoken person, PLEASE BE SURE TO HAVE A REGULAR COLLAR ON YOUR DOG.
    Price: FREE
    Working on: Distractions, distance, formal/informal commands, recalls, confidence building, manners & socialization and problem behaviour. NEED TO WORK ON SOMETHING?!?! TALK TO US ;)
    Please Note: There will be off leash dogs at this class.


    DATE CHANGE Downtown Drop-In Session

    **ACCEPTING DONATIONS for Vernon and District Animal Care Society for the month of January. For more info please visit their Facebook Page:**

    Time & Date: Sunday, January. 11th at 6pm  Sunday, January. 18th at 6pm
    Place: Meeting at the Wholesale Store across from Earls  
    Bring: HIGH Value Treats (NO KIBBLE), regular leads, training collars if necessary, PLEASE BE SURE TO HAVE A REGULAR COLLAR ON YOUR DOG. 
    Price: FREE 
    Working on: Confidence Boosting Drills, Distractions, informal and formal commands, desensitizing to cars, people, sounds...etc, working with sensitivities and problem behaviour. NEED TO WORK ON SOMETHING?!?! TALK TO US ;)
    Please Note: All dogs MUST be on-leash for this class. ONE DOG PER PERSON.

    ~ The world is our playground ~


    DATE CHANGE Kal Tire Place Drop-In Session 

    **ACCEPTING DONATIONS for Vernon and District Animal Care Society for the month of January. For more info please visit their Facebook Page:**

    Time & Date: Sunday, January. 18th at 6pm Sunday, January. 25th at 6pm
    Place: Kal Tire Place back bottom parking lot.(Formally the Wesbild Centre & the Multiplex) 
    Bring: Treats (No kibble), long leads, training collars if necessary, dogs favourite toy (as long as you can carry it), jackets for dogs if necessary, PLEASE BE SURE TO HAVE A REGULAR COLLAR ON YOUR DOG. 
    Price: FREE
    Working on: Confidence Boosting Drills, Distractions/Games, distance, informal commands, recalls, manners & socialization and problem behaviour.


    February March Drop Ins

    These sessions are for past clients who have finished our group training OR clients looking to complete their last class.

    Drop in Sessions are weather dependent. If it is a pouring rain, or high winds, class will be cancelled. If you are not sure, please check back on a regular basis. It WILL be posted on this blog if it is cancelled.

    **Due to our ever changing weather conditions, it is important that you come prepared to the classes- for your selves and your dogs. Please make sure you are dressed  in layers and are wearing water proof shoes if necessary. **

    MOST DROP IN SESSIONS & EVENTS WILL HAVE PICTURES TAKEN AT THEM- To see these pictures please check out our Facebook Page:



    Time & Date: Friday, February. 22nd at Noon
    Place: Bx Ranch Dog Park 
    Bring: Treats (No kibble), Long Leads, Training collars.
    Price: FREE
    Working on: Distractions, distance, informal commands, recalls, confidence building, manners & socialization and problem behaviour

    Time & Date: Saturday, February. 23rd at 1pm
    Place: Kal Park- Jade & Juniper Parking Lot (Located down Kidston Rd)
    Bring: Treats, long leads, water for owners, dogs favourite toy (optional)
    Price: FREE
    Working on: We will be working on a couple things- but this is mostly a fun event.
    Additional Notes: I believe parking is free this time of year- and the dogs are allowed in the entire park during the off season.


    Time & Date: Sunday, February. 24th at 6pm
    Place: Back bottom parking lot of the Westbild/Multiplex Parking Lot
    Bring: Treats, long leads, water for owners, dogs favourite toy, Jackets for dogs (optional), Dress in Layers.
    Price: FREE
    Working on: We will be working on advanced training, tricks, confidence boosting, recalls & come commands.



    Time & Date: Friday, March. 1st at Noon
    Place: Bx Ranch Dog Park 
    Bring: Treats (No kibble), Long Leads, Training collars.
    Price: FREE
    Working on: Distractions, distance, informal commands, recalls, confidence building, manners & socialization and problem behaviour


    HORSE DRAWN SLEIGH RIDES with Wild Horseman Sleigh Rides~ SilverStar
    (Limited Space Available~ Please email Monique to hold a spot-
    Time & Date: Saturday, March. 2nd at 3pm
    Place: Silver Star Mountain Resort
    Meeting Place: In front of the Ticket Office
    MAP of Village:
    Bring: Treats 
    , Regular Leash, Layered Warm & Waterproof clothing, Jackets for dogs (optional), Winter Boots, $ for food/coffee & price of admission.
    Adult: $25
    Child (2-13): $15
    Dog: $15
    Working on: We will have a "drop in session setting" and then carry on to the horses. Dogs will need to learn to behave around the horses and stay calm in a moving sleigh. We will also tour around the village before the tour begins, this will allow us to get our dogs in a calm state for the Sleigh Ride. 
    More Info: 
    This spectacular 45 minute tour meanders the back trails to the Wild Horsemans Cabin where you will enjoy delicious mug of hot chocolate.



    Time & Date: Sunday, March. 3rd at Noon
    Place: Bx Ranch Dog Park 
    Bring: Treats (No kibble), Long Leads, Training collars.
    Price: FREE
    Working on: Distractions, distance, informal commands, recalls, confidence building, manners & socialization and problem behaviour


    Rabu, 27 April 2016

    Determining The Right Dog Training Strategy For You

    Properly training your dog will allow you to coexist with ease and become best pals. When your dog is well-trained, then both you and your dog will know exactly what is expected from each other. You will not have to worry about leaving him home along or taking him to public places. Though it might seem like a difficult task, you and your dog will have many rewarding times together, sharing the tricks and companionship that youve come to know through the dog training sessions.

    Big dogs will need a large bed or sleeping area. Plenty of pet brands make dog beds sized for larger breeds. A crib mattress is also a viable alternative. A crib mattress is also an easy to care for alternative to a dog bed because the sheets can be changed regularly with little fuss. Theyre waterproof, too!

     Do your best to keep your dog active through the day. Dogs can easily become bored. Dogs with no enthusiasm will be harder to train than active dogs. It is easier for your dog to focus if he is happy and well exercised. Bring your dog along when you walk or jog.

     Dogs need to be taught the right habits as soon as they are brought to your home. Your dog should learn the right ways of doing things instead of developing bad habits that will need to be corrected later on. If you never give your dog any scraps from table food, they will never start begging for it.

     You cant stop your dog from being a dog, so make sure to give him proper ways to act like a dog. There should always be good outlets available for your dog to exercise and keep busy, and do not forget the right diet to provide this energy.

     Here are a few ways to make crate training more positive for your dog. If the dog doesnt want to go inside the crate, put a rawhide bone in there and shut the door. A tempting bone will prove too hard to resist, and the dog will be panting to get into the crate in no time. Upon entering the crate, praise your puppy to make sure it knows it did a good job.

     Get your dog used to the things they will encounter when going for a vet visit. Touch your dog gently down the sides of his body and tell him he is being good when he does not react. You will want to get him ready to tolerate the doctor touching his mouth and paws. Your friends may be able to help you out, too.

     Be consistent with the words you use when trying to teach your dog a new behavior. This causes a strong association between a word and an action in your dogs mind. It is essential not to confuse your dog with commands that are not the same every single time. Your success rate in training your pet will be higher if you follow these guidelines.

     Keeping your dog active is an important part of successful dog training and is also good for their health. Dogs, like people, shouldnt be sedentary. Running, playing and constructive exercise are all essential components of their health and happiness. Make sure your dog gets plenty of walks; play with it at the park, or even look into enrolling it in an agility class. It is best to make sure your dog is moving just as much as possible and does not get bored.

     Understand when you cant handle your dog on your own, and use that knowledge to know when you need to call in a professional to help you. It may be necessary to seek professional assistance if your dog training is not proceeding as you expected it to. Your trainer will pinpoint the problem areas and point you in the right direction.

     Your dog should know the difference between right and wrong at all times. This means everyone living in the house needs to enforce the boundaries you set. This will undo all your training!

     Give them chew toys for pain relief while teething, and keep everything else out of reach. Immediately replace the object with one of the intended chew toys. If your puppy needs to chew because he is teething, try a frozen washcloth.

     You should be constantly challenging your dog and re-teaching it the tricks youve previously taught it. Throw "pop quizzes" occasionally to be sure he is not getting out of practice.

     If hiring an animal behavior professional is something you are considering, make sure to learn as much about them as you can. Animal behavior professionals have differing opinions on what correctly training a dog entails, so you should make sure that your trainer is in line with your own ideology before using their techniques with your dog!

     Although there are many benefits to using a harness, you will have less control over your dog than if he is wearing a cinch collar. Use a collar and a harness at the same time to make your dog understands that the harness means he must obey you as well.

     Be sure to feed your dog healthy foods and treats. If the dogs diet is poor, it is not good for their health. If your dog isnt getting what it needs to stay healthy, it could really struggle to find the energy for training or may act out in other ways. Training may very well go easier when dogs are given the proper nutrients in a healthful diet.

     If you will be away from home for any length of time, such as going to work, then you need to make certain you take your dog on a long walk before you leave. Not only do you want your dog to relieve himself, but you also want to make him tired so he relaxes and doesnt suffer from anxiety while youre gone.

    Training should begin immediately

    You have made a wonderful decision! Training should begin immediately after you have gotten home with your new pet. If your dog has good training, you will find that you have a happier pet, and you will have more fun being a dog owner. These guidelines offer helpful insight into the art and science of training your pet.

    Just as a human likes to stretch out and lay on their backs, so do dogs. Therefore, it is essential to have a dog bed big enough for your furry friend. Plenty of pet brands make dog beds sized for larger breeds. A crib mattress is also a viable alternative. The perks of these are that you can change out the sheets on crib mattresses as often as you like without too much effort. Theyre waterproof, too!

     Always get your dogs attention by using his name. Your dog must respond when its name is called before you move onto more advanced training. You should aim to call your dogs name out around ten times a day. Dont punish your dog if it comes when you call.

     When training a dog, make sure to stay consistent. Keep a list of commands to use, and make sure everyone who might need to command the dog knows them. Make sure everyone knows what to do in terms of rewarding the dog when it does well and not reinforcing poor behavior. If everyone is on the same page, the dog will better understand what is expected of him.

     Make sure your dog feels safe to train them properly. If a dog feels unsafe, they are likely to show bad behavior. To prevent this from happening, always make sure your dog is in a comfortable, safe area.

     Communication is one essential thing to consider when training your dog. You must give consistent and clear signals when you training your dog. This includes not only using the same commands, but also maintaining consistent body language and keeping rewards and corrections the same. Pay attention to your dogs communication towards you, too. Pay attention to these signals because hes trying to tell you that everything is either going well or not so well.

     Call your pooch by his name to keep his attention focused on you. You puppy will develop the association between his name being called, and him needing to pay attention to what you are telling him. Pick a name that is distinguished and no longer than two syllables.

     When you are trying to break your dog from chewing, do it the right way. Also, be sure to keep a chewer out of hazardous situations. Many household items can be dangerous choking hazards, and some are even poisonous when chewed.

     If your dog suddenly starts misbehaving out of the blue, it is best to bring him to the vet so any health problems can be ruled out. Your dog might be acting out because he is suffering. Since they cannot tell us what is wrong, this is their way of letting us know that they need extra attention.

     A consistent schedule of feeding and potty-time is very important when house training your dog. This will give you an idea of when the dog is likely to have to go, so you can take it outdoors to take care of this matter before an accident occurs on your rug. Conversely, this also teaches your dog that he may need to wait to go to the bathroom.

     Use good treats that are irresistible to your dog. This is one time you can use something you would not usually give them, like meat.

     If you have to keep your dogs outside, never tie them up too close to one another. The dogs chains could get tangled up and cause harm to the dogs as they struggle to get free. In the worst case, a large dog might be able to strangle or crush a smaller one, entirely by accident, while trying to free itself.

     To have success in dog training, you need to be able to control it with commands. You have to show your dog that you are in control or he will not obey or respect you. When walking with your dog, always walk first, never let your dog lead, as this is the leadership position.

     Dogs have tunnel vision and will focus on one thing to the exclusion of all else. If you do it enough times, your dog will wait for your signals instead of focusing on other things.

     Be consistent with your cues when training a dog. Your dog can learn to associate a command with a particular behavior, but if you keep changing the command associated with a behavior, youll confuse him and he wont do what you want him to do. It is absolutely critical to remain consistent throughout. If you strive for this, you and your pet will get more out of the training.

     If dogs have similar personalities, you may be able to train them simultaneously. If your dogs fight or goof off instead of paying attention, it may be wise to do a bit of one-on-one training before training them together.

     If you want to train your dog, avoid playing any sort of control games like tug of war. Aggressive games promote aggressive behaviors, such as biting. Tug-of-war can be played once you have trained your puppy; however, it should not be played before the dog is completely trained.

     If your dog suffers from separation anxiety, you should encourage him to have connections with others. The dog must develop relationships with others in order to diffuse its unhealthy fixation with you.

     Behavior problems that suddenly occur with no reason may indicate a medical problem that needs to be evaluated by a veterinarian. Your dog might be acting out because he is suffering. This behavior may be his way of telling you that there is something wrong with him.

     A clicker works well when training most dogs. Using a clicker is as simple as showing your dog that good things happen when the clicking noise is heard. Try using this technique right away, doing it frequently over a span of a few days. Your dog will soon know that the clicking noise means that they are doing a good job.

     With the proper training, both you and your dog can be happy. These tips can give you the info you will need to get on the right track to train your dog..

    Foundation Level 1 09 21 2010

    Discussion of canine body language, practice watching for stress signals, worked on focus/attention, marking calm behavior, and targeting (with a target stick). 

    Homework:  Practice "reading" your dogs body language at home, play the "Look at That!" game to work on your dogs focus with distractions around.

    Disobedient Dog or Under Stimulated Dog

    The most important thing to remember with dogs is that all problem behaviours are correctable. And more often than not stimulated, active dogs tend to be happy, contented ones, rather than problem ones.

    Dog training and obedience training should really be a daily activity. In fact spending time with your dog should include dog training and obedience training, as well as petting, grooming, exercising, playing and hanging out.

    Dogs love to be active and to be challenged with learning new games and tricks. So incorporating dog training into games and play is definitely the route to take, to get your dogs brain ticking over and to have a happy obedient dog.

    So heres todays dog training tip:

    Find the treat/toy/my keys:

    Get vour dog to sit/stay (maybe in the hall), then go into the kitchen or the lounge and hide a treat/biscuit under one of three up turned buckets or flower pots or empty tins.

    Then release your dog and ask him/her wheres the treat?, when s/he sniffs it out, heap lots of praise on him/her and them push the bucket over and let him/her have the treat.

    Ways to develop this game include, putting the buckets further apart, teaching the dog to sit/bark/give paw when the hidden treat is found.

    You can even develop this game for a practical application, finding lost keys. Attach a leather fob to your keys, handle the fob alot, so the leather becomes impregnated with your body oils and play the above game. Extend it to hiding the keys in the room, initially in obvious places and over time hide the keys in more and more difficult places to find. Eventually your dog will find them wherever they are. This comes in handy if you are prone to losing them like I am!

    Dont forget to give enthusiastic praise whenever your dog finds the missing item - you may also want to provide a treat, if you are training your dog to find something other than a treat.

    Thats all for todays dog training tips, folks! Dont forget to come back regularly for more tips.

    Crate Practicing your pup

    Teaching your pup crate training may be the first and finest part of his life. Celebrate the rest of the stages in his training go a lot smoother, similar to a good foundation creates an excellent wall. Establishing you as the Alpha person in his "pack" is a excellent reason behind starting your pup inside a crate when hes very young.

    One more reason for crate training is the fact that dogs love predictability. To be aware what will happen in a given situation makes him happy, and much more likely to end up the best-behaved dog he is able to often be.

    A powerful crate may be the very foundation of good puppy training. A wire crate having a lock is the greatest kind. Makes it big enough for him to face up and change. Although not so large he can roam and wander around. A too-large crate will inhibit house breaking.

    A crate thats the perfect size is going to be regarded as his "nest", where puppies never "go potty". Theyll learn how to hold it if you do not create a prison from it. Never leave a puppy under 2 months longer than 1 hour in the crate. Hell soil it, after struggling and suffering so long as he is able to.

    Put a pleasant pad inside having a bone. Begin with placing tasty treat inside, hell use and obtain it. Do that many times without closing the doorway, let him are available in and out freely to have an hour. Praise him highly every time he gets into, allow it to be all very pleasant.

    When his attention is on his treat, close the doorway. Praise him quietly, "What a great boy, its ok, this type of good boy! " In 10 or 20 seconds, no more, let him out with no word, no praise, only a pat. Do that for increasingly longer intervals, but dont provide him an opportunity to get upset. This can be done many times the very first day.

    Make certain every work out ends on the happy note, this really is crucial.

    Once he sees the crate is their own private territory, hell use there by himself, expecting treats as well as your attention. When he is doing, say, "Wanna crate? " having a happy face whilst getting his treats. Start leaving the area as they is within there for just two minutes and onward, gradually. Whenever you return, dont create a fuss, just walk over and open the crate. In Three days hell be officially crate-trained, prepared to remain alone to have an hour, no more in the beginning. Leave him gradually longer, slowly and carefully.

    Q. So why do Id like a crate for my puppy? A. Simply because they like it is the greatest reason. They think safe and secure inside. Here are a few more:

    Whenever you leave a puppy alone, he has a degree of of stress and anxiety. This leads him to any behavior which brings him comfort, that is chewing, digging, or when its severe, voiding his bowels. When put into a crate, he feels safe because nothing could possibly get to him, nothing damages him. Hell sleep and chew and watch for you to definitely return. When leaving him overnight in the vet, in case your dog isnt crate trained hell cry without interruption, feeling lost and abandoned. With crate training, hes sure youll return, you usually do. Obviously the vets office is strange and can cause him some anxiety, but nothing beats the pure terror hell feel without experience of being located in.

    NOTE: About crate-training, dont create a prison of his crate. Dont use it as being punishment. Dont leave him there in excess of A couple of hours, just time for some time puppy nap plus some chew time. Next hell cry. Dont remove him as they is crying. This makes him think he needs to cry to leave. Regardless of what, make certain hes following your rules whenever you open the doorway. Hell learn he needs to be quiet to leave. Dont create a fuss when youre letting him out, just quietly open the doorway and take him to potty. When he potties, praise him to high heaven! Dogs naturally dont go where they nest, but it sometimes happens. Dont scold, just fix it out having a bland face. Hell discover the lesson. If at all possible, attempt to fix it as they is outside so he returns to some clean crate

    . In Two-and-a-half decades of coaching dogs, I have not seen anyone thing more crucial for a dogs well-being than good crate training.

    Provide dog with activities

    You might have thought you had a good dog, but you could have ended up with a bad one. However, theres still hope! A bit of training goes a long way in reducing bad dog behavior.

    Dogs need to play so always give your dog time to be a dog and to engage in normal canine behaviors. Feed your dog a balanced diet, give them space to run, and provide them with activities that will burn energy.

     Give your puppy his own toys that he can chew to remove pain due to teething, and keep him away from chewing other items. You need to replace that with a designated chew toy. Puppies sometimes chew objects while going through their teething phase. A wet cloth that has been frozen is perfect for them during this time.

     If you are welcoming a guest into your home, give them clear instructions about how to interact with your dog. These reactions may actually encourage dogs to jump up on your guests or attempt to dominate them.

     Many people are bitten by dogs because of their fears of that exact thing happening. The dog will feel fear if it is startled, trapped or feels threatened. While training your dog, you should avoid the use of excessive force. Doing so may result in injury to you. Your dog will be eager for your approval.

     Its important that your dog enjoy training and look forward to training sessions. Keep the sessions limited to 15 minutes or so to avoid the dog becoming disinterested and distracted. Vary your rewards. Give your dog a lot of praise when they do something right. When training is enjoyable, listening becomes a happy time, too.

     Playing tug-of-war with your puppy when you are working on training him is a bad idea. In addition to tug-of-war, games that involve wresting something away from your puppy or chasing each other in any respect, can entice the animal to bite or nip at your hands. You want to avoid having your puppy become accustomed to this behavior, so it is better to postpone these games until the dog is more mature and fully trained.

     Training your dog can help if your dog has a hard time being left alone. It is quite possible that if your dog frequently barks unceasingly or damages your belongings when you leave, he or she is actually suffering from separation anxiety. If you train your dog to stay busy when you are gone, it can help. While youre training your dog, its important to also show a great amount of love so your dog knows that everything is alright.

     Use consistency with training by making sure all members use commands that are the same. For instance, if your dog gets on the sofa and he hears you saying "get off," but your husband says "down boy", it may confuse your dog. As long as you use consistency, then your dog has a great chance of learning all of the tricks and behaviors that you wish.

     If you lack patience or cannon remain even-tempered during the training session, do not push forward. If you cannot focus on remaining patient when training your dog, it will quickly lose interest in what you are trying to teach.

     Pick a phrase you will say to your new puppy the whole time you are working on house training him. Every single time you take your pup to do his business, say something like "need to go out?". It does not matter the phrase you choose, as long as you keep it consistent. This will keep him focused, and will teach him to associate those words with the action of relieving himself.

     Feed your dog a healthy diet. Too many table scraps can unbalance your dogs diet. If your dog isnt getting what it needs to stay healthy, it could really struggle to find the energy for training or may act out in other ways. Something as simple as improving their diet can sometimes have a huge impact on how receptive they are to training.

     You cannot rush through the training process. Remember that all dogs have short attention spans and puppies even more so. A training session that wears your puppy out is going to turn into an unpleasant memory, making him less likely to respond well to subsequent sessions, and more inclined to ignore what you are trying to teach him.

     Your dog should know the difference between right and wrong at all times. This means everyone living in the house needs to enforce the boundaries you set. These inconsistencies can cause significant setbacks.

     If you prepare your dog for veterinary exams, it will help both you and your dog. Gently place your hands over its body, acknowledging your dog when he responds positively. Prepare your dog to accept someone handling his paws or looking at his teeth. Ask your friends to help out, as well.

     Remember to enjoy the time spent with your dog during training. Taking time to play creates a strong bond between the two of you, and your dog will be more likely to respond well to training. Training can be a fun experience, however, getting some enjoyment for yourself and the dog through play is a good thing.

     If you want to get rid of inappropriate chewing behaviors, you need to set up the dogs environment so that he will have fewer temptations. Additionally, make sure there is nothing that can pose as a threat to your chewing canine. Any objects which your dog could choke on or become entangled in should be kept out of reach.

     You do not want to use wee-wee pads when potty training your dog. The problem with the wee-wee pads is that they leak and leave enzymes from urine and feces behind. Potty pads can also mislead your dog into thinking that similarly shaped items throughout your home, like rugs, are appropriate places to go. Teaching your dog the appropriate place to go from the start is always the more practical idea.

     Do not tie a couple of dogs closely together. The dogs could get wrapped up and they may be injured. If one dog happens to be much larger than the other, the small dog could get tangled to the point that it could choke to death.

     A clicker works well when training most dogs. Using a clicker is as simple as showing your dog that good things happen when the clicking noise is heard. Try using this technique right away, doing it frequently over a span of a few days. Your dog will soon know that the clicking noise means that they are doing a good job.

     It is not uncommon for dog owners to express surprise at the simplicity of weaving dog training efforts into daily life, and how fast they achieve great outcomes. So if you are looking to change any of your dogs wayward ways, try some of our tips for quick success!.

    Selasa, 26 April 2016

    Strategies for Using Hunting Dog Training Collars And Leads

    What type of training collars and leads should i have for my hunting dog?

    Dog Training Leads And Collars For Obedience And dealing Within the Field To utilize your hunting dog within the field youll need some specific products. Youll need training leads of varying lengths, ranging from  leads for using a puppy in your own home to slide leads for dealing with your pet within the field. Youll probably have several  leads that you employ in various situations.

    The same holds true of dog collars. Many people just like a traditional leather collar while some like the highly visible neon nylon collar in blaze orange, pink or another bright color. Nylon collars possess the advantage for the reason that they endure all climate conditions perfectly plus they result in the dog more visible in cover. There are also pinch and prong collars readily available for training purposes.

    After Learning The fundamentals Electronic Dog Training Collars May be used Within the Field

    Electronic  collars are another training product you might want to supplment your grocery list. Todays collars can offer different amounts of intensity to help you tweak the amount of correction. Theyre also much less bulky and much more easily managed than former  collars. These  are often waterproof and cover a great variety.

    What other dog training products should i have?

    Dog  treats Obviously, remember your dog treats. Most dogs succeed if you find an incentive involved Dog Training treats could be anything from the bit of cheese or hot dog to some fancier treat you purchase in a pet store. Something that motivates your pet will act as a dog training treat.

    Training whistles along with other products You may even take some from the basic dog training products like a dog training whistle whenever you would rather give your pet whistle signals rather than making use of your voice. Whistles continue greater distances than voice commands. A check-cord, duck decoys for water retrieve training, as well as real pheasant and quail wings may also be purchased for the pup.

    When youre buying dog training products, remember another stuff you will have to take care of your pet for example grooming supplies and flea and tick products. Following a hard days hunting youll likely require a bath. If hes long coat or long furnishings you will need to comb his hair out and take away burrs. Items like Cowboy Magic and Show Sheen are ideal for removing burrs and tangles. Be sure to look at your dog (and yourself) for ticks whenever you get home in the field.


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