Kamis, 31 Maret 2016

Next Weeks Behaviors

Last Week
Level 1: Down, Wait at the Door, Relax for Veterinary Exams
Level 2: Give/Drop, Fetch

This Week
Level 1: Nose touch, Recall, Walk on Leash
Level 2: Paw touch, Stand Still

Level 1: Practice down in a variety of environments, change the amount of time they must stay down, and whats going on around them at the time frequently.  Generalize wait at the door to getting in and out of the car.  Practice handling your dogs ears, mouth, tail, and feet.
Level 2: Practice having your dog hold a ball/toy in his/her mouth until you touch it with your hand.

A video EVERYONE should watch!

? An amazing video about Pitbulls, and their struggle. This video will bring a tear to your eye, because the truth is so sad... and not enough people know the truth. Please watch this video... and share it if it moves you. ?


Here is the link to their Facebook page, they are located in the lower mainland... BC

Leash Training Having a Head Collar for Dogs

The head collar for dogs is really a dog training collar thats designed much like a halter for any horse. Its a good option to presenting a few of the older, training devices that could deliver some pain like a help with training for example pinch collar, Woodhouse collar or and electronic collar. Ive been using one both young dogs and that i can honestly say it really works.

The head collar is created by a number of different makers and all sorts of get their variations on the design but all are employed in an identical way. The collar covers the dogs nose having a loop and hooks behind the dogs head on the the surface of the neck behind the ears. The loop hangs loose, threads with an o-ring and also the lead hooks in to the end from the loop.

The device works such as this; your dog begins to lung forward, because they do the loop tightens round the nose and pulls the dogs go to the side. This accomplishes a couple of things; it breaks the dogs focus on lunging also it helps make the dog browse around in the handler.

Your dog will not just like having the loop around their nose. With a couple treats and short periods of loose wearing which are gradually increased over time will ease the transition making things just a little easier for the two of you. Ive come across older dogs walking fine with one of these as though its second nature. Remain consistent and persistent and will also be rewarded by treatments for your pet.

The head collar like every other training device is precisely that; a "training" collar. Your main goal continues to be to obtain your pet to where theyre walking properly on the leash with no head collar. Interchanging sessions using the head collar with sessions with no head collar assures that youre not obtaining a certain behavior simply because working out device has been used.

From personal use with a few high energy sporting dogs I will tell you the head collar works in gaining treatments for pulling, jumping plus some types of mild aggression. You will probably see improvements the initial use. Dont let yourself be fooled into believing youve trained your pet following a short time. Practice with consistency and patience may be the method to train dogs. Recall the goal would be to train your pet just to walk on lead properly and also the head collar is a superb initial step to that particular goal.


Seasons Greetings!

May the holidays make your dreams come true and may the love you share through out the year return a hundred-fold to you.

Happy Holidays from The Ruff Life Staff!

Looking forward to seeing you all in 2014.

Training For Agressive Dogs In Your Home

You just brought that cute, cuddly little pet home to your family. All of a sudden you wonder where the growling and snapping monster came from. Four furry legs on that sweet dog seem to be backing you into a corner. Growling and snapping just isnt what you expected. Dont you think its about time to enroll yourself in a course on Training for Aggressive Dogs?

Why Did This Happen To Me?

Those defensive actions are really licenses for attack, some of which can be lethal. Right now is the time to give attention to those actions or you may end up regretting them. You must understand that most dog attacks are by house pets and the usual victims are their owners and especially the children.

Okay, What Do I Do Now?

Normally dogs tend to be aggressive when they feel a lack of security and confidence. Just imagine how scared they must feel because they feel threatened sinch their territory seems to them to be compromised.

Its natural for them to feel frightened of everything new around them. Their choice is just like yours would be if you were frightened. As with your new dog, they either can fight (be aggressive) or just flee from the source of their anxiety.

Your first step in dealing with this is you must learn about dog training for aggressive behavior. Youve got to find the possible cause of your dogs aggression. Your dog isnt just acting when he acts violent. Now if you can figure out the cause of his actions right from the beginning youll have a head-start on how to treat aggressive dog behavior when you see it. With that information you can direct your attention on training him to control that aggressive behavior hes exhibiting because of those reasons.

Just remember that some dogs become aggressive due to fear. This type of dog is usually born with a very shy temperament and they are anxious when they face a new environment (yours). Those that bite at the rear do so because a frontal attack brings more fear to them as they feel threatened.

Once your know the cause(s) of their aggression you can take the next step of training for aggressive dogs. That first step is to help them overcome their anxieties because they are what is causing that aggression. Most of the time these actions can be solved by way of obedience dog training. In this procedure your dog will be shown that hes not the leader of the pack...you are, and he will accept being the bottom of the hierarchy. You can take this lead by controlling all of his activities (an example could be that he learns for eat last). You can also take him out into the back yard and show him show that its "your" backyard and the toys out there are your toys, not his. Through this action he will begin to understand that youre the "boss".

How About Socializing With Your Dog?

Socializing with your dog is a good method of how to treat aggressive dog behavior. Dont just jump into socializing, but gradually do so and hell begin to feel for comfortable being around you, your family, and his totally new environment. This socializing can be reinforced by giving him treats and even taking him with you you go. Now he can see other dogs and humans which will soon let him understand that strangers arent something to be frightened of.

Take into consideration that dogs are naturally predatory. Some breeds more than others. It just seems natural to them to chase anything that moves. Now you know why dogs chase cars. And dont forget, that could include small children. Therefore the obedience training for aggressive dogs must include mastering the down and recall command. Its essential that you haave the authority to stop your dog from going after someone or something.. The best way to get this across to your dog is to include it in your play exercises. This puts you in control of when your dog can fetch a ball. He must understand that he must follow your command whether it be to lay down first before running after the ball , and also knows that the word to come back means right now, even if he hasnt reached the ball yet.

Start training for aggressive dogs just as soon as you see the first sign.

Puppy Class 12 Weeks 09 27 10

Today we worked on:

Hand Targeting
Loose Leash Walking
One for You, One for Him  (avoiding resource guarding with other dogs)
Play Time!!!
Collar grabs
Weight Checks


Continue to work on the things that your puppy already knows.  Aim for 2-3 short training sessions every day.

Rabu, 30 Maret 2016

Adventure Walk Rescheduled

Due to high winds our Adventure Walk for today is being rescheduled to next Saturday at 10:00am.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Effective Strategies To Training Your Dog

Every dog requires training to some extent in order to learn what to do and of course, what not to do. These tips should help you train your dog.

Teach your puppy his or her name before you start to train him or her, as this creates a bond. Use his name frequently, and make clear that you want him to respond by coming to you when you call his name. There is no other word your puppy should be taught first. Make sure to spend time with your dog in order for him to learn and trust you. When you set this trust early on, the puppy will be more open to the next steps in training.

 Training is a great way to help your dog with separation anxiety. It is quite possible that if your dog frequently barks unceasingly or damages your belongings when you leave, he or she is actually suffering from separation anxiety. You need to take the time to train your dog to not engage in these undesirable behaviors while youre not home. A great way to ease your dogs anxiety is through love and compassion.

 Use the dogs name often when training to ensure that you have their attention. By using his name all the time in the first month of having our dog, he should associate his name with focusing on you. Choose a short name that is easily recognizable from other words.

 A wise tip in canine training is to always call the dog by his rightful name, rather than using any nickname or other deviation. To maintain control of your dog, you must be able to encourage a favorable response. Try this with your dog at least ten to twenty times. Avoid confusion by not calling your dog to you for punishment.

 Use the appropriate tone of voice when you are correcting your pet. Dogs tend to be well in tune with how their trainers are feeling. An appropriately stern tone can reinforce discipline.

 When training your dog never punish him; doing so will only make him be resistant to any further training. You should make every effort to prevent the behavior in the first place, but if your pet does misbehave, show him what he should have done instead. You should make training a time to interact with your dog, you want to build a positive relationship with him.

 You need to let your dog be a dog, so give him some time to burn off that energy. Your dog requires a healthy diet, room to exercise, and plenty of activities and toys to keep him or her busy.

 Communication is the basis for dog training. As you train and interact with your dog, you must be consistent and straightforward. This applies to corrections and rewards, as well as your body language, when training. Remember to always pay attention to the communication signals from your dog. The animal will usually let you know what he or she is feeling.

 In order to get your dog to obey you, it may be wise to take obedience classes. The obedience instructors can teach you a variety of ways to deal with issues such as your dog not listening, excessive barking, or disobedience toward commands.

 Ensure that your dog understands the rules. This means everyone living in the house needs to enforce the boundaries you set. This will quickly undo all of your hard work and training.

 Dont bog your puppy down with more information than he can process. You need to keep your training sessions short so that your puppy pays attention. If training sessions are too long, the puppy wont remember the specifics of the training session, just that is was grueling and exhausting. This will make it harder to train him next time.

 When house-breaking your puppy, choose a specific phrase to use when its time to go outdoors. When you take your dog out, repeat this command. This will help him form an association between being taken outside and doing his business.

 It is vital to train your dog when its still a puppy. Younger dogs learn more quickly and easier than older canines. Beginning your dogs training when he is still young will help him to be a well-behaved dog as he ages.

 Training your dog can be much easier if you use a crate. Use a consistent schedule for proper crate training of your dog. Over time, a dog that is properly crated trained is less prone to having accidents inside the home.

 Be sure to have your dog spayed or neutered at six months. You should do this at the same time you first take the dog to obedience training. A dog that has been spayed or neutered will be a more obedient dog. By spaying or neutering a dog he will have a longer happier life.

 Mentally stimulate your dog if you want it to be healthy and happy. Among some of the best things for your dog are plenty of strolls in the neighborhood, chew toys and rawhide bones. If your dog gets bored, chances are he will find a way to stay busy, and you probably wont like what he chooses.

 Crate training is an effective way to house train a dog. Always take your dog out consistently if you want to be effective at crate training. If youre patient you will find a dog who has been crate trained will make less messes inside.

 Communication is one of the essential aspects of training your dog. Make sure you are clear and consistent when you are working with your dog. This means to be consistent not only with words, but with corrections and rewards. Be well aware that your dog is telling you something too. They will inform you of whether or not they are overworked, anxious, or having a great day.

 You can prevent your dog from destroying your home by keeping it outdoors when you are away from the house. When this isnt possible, you want to provide things that both appeal to your dog and that are okay for the dog to chew on. Establishing acceptable chews toys is also about keeping those things you do not want your dog to chew up behind closed doors or well out out of reach.

 Dogs that have received no training are likely to destroy your possessions and try your patience. If you use the advice in this article, you will be ready to teach your dog that skills will help the owner-pet relationship..

Wednesday May 15th Drop In

These sessions are for past clients who have finished our group training OR clients looking to complete their last class.

Drop in Sessions are weather dependent. If it is a pouring rain, or high winds, class will be cancelled. If you are not sure, please check back on a regular basis. It WILL be posted on this blog if it is cancelled.

**Due to our ever changing weather conditions, it is important that you come prepared to the classes- for your selves and your dogs. Please make sure you are dressed  in layers and are wearing water proof shoes if necessary. **

MOST DROP IN SESSIONS & EVENTS WILL HAVE PICTURES TAKEN AT THEM- To see these pictures please check out our Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/therufflife



Time & Date: Wednesday, May.15th at Noon
Place: Bx Ranch Dog Park 
Bring: Treats (No kibble), Long Leads, Training collars, BUG SPRAY???
Price: FREE
Working on: Distractions, distance, informal commands, recalls, confidence building, manners & socialization and problem behaviour


New Class Schedule Homework and See You in January!

First things first, the first four weeks of our new schedule is posted here: New Class Schedule (scroll to the bottom of the page).  Be sure to let me know which classes you plan on attending as soon as you can.  You can call or email to reserve your spot in your selected classes.

Your homework over the holidays is to make your dog a special treat or do a special activity with him and tell us about it.  Our Pup of the Month for January has not been selected yet, remember that participating in the homework is your way to nominate your dog.

January is National Train Your Dog Month so classes will be 15% and well have some fun contests going on, as well as having an open house January 19th from 6-8:00pm so if you have friends or family who have questions about our training methods, services, or just training in general be sure to invite them!

Were looking forward to some fun new class offerings in the coming year including tricks classes, scent games, Treibball, and others so be sure to watch the schedule.  Im also looking for volunteers to participate in a doggy flash mob!  Practice dates will be announced soon, if youre interested or have questions please email Alyson at browndogcabt@gmail.com.

We hope you all have a wonderful holiday season and well miss you all until next year!

Happy Training!

March 21 March 28 Drop Ins

These sessions are for past clients who have finished our group training OR clients looking to complete their last class.

Drop in Sessions are weather dependent. If it is a pouring rain, or high winds, class will be cancelled. If you are not sure, please check back on a regular basis. It WILL be posted on this blog if it is cancelled.

**Due to our ever changing weather conditions, it is important that you come prepared to the classes- for your selves and your dogs. Please make sure you are dressed  in layers and are wearing water proof shoes if necessary. **

MOST DROP IN SESSIONS & EVENTS WILL HAVE PICTURES TAKEN AT THEM- To see these pictures please check out our Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/therufflife



Time & Date: Thursday, March. 21st at 6:00pm
Place: Wholesale Store across from Earls - 
Bring: HIGH Value Treats (NO KIBBLE), regular leads, training collars if necessary.
Price: FREE 
Working on: Distractions, informal and formal commands, desensitizing to cars, people, sounds...etc, Confidence Boosting and Problem Behaviour.

~ The world is our playground ~


Time & Date: Sunday, March.24th at Noon
Place: Bx Ranch Dog Park 
Bring: Treats (No kibble), Long Leads, Training collars.
Price: FREE
Working on: Distractions, distance, informal commands, recalls, confidence building, manners & socialization and problem behaviour



Time & Date: Thursday March.28th at 6pm
Place: Bx Ranch Dog Park 
Bring: Treats (No kibble), Long Leads, Training collars.
Price: FREE
Working on: Distractions, distance, informal commands, recalls, confidence building, manners & socialization and problem behaviour


JULY Drop In Sessions

These sessions are for past clients who have finished our group training OR clients looking to complete their last class.

Drop in Sessions are weather dependent. If it is raining hard, high winds or thunder and lightening class will be cancelled. If you are not sure, please check back on a regular basis. It WILL be posted on this blog if it is cancelled. Please also check on this blog on a regular basis to make sure that no changes have been made to times or locations of the class you are wanting to attend.

MOST DROP IN SESSIONS & EVENTS WILL HAVE PICTURES TAKEN AT THEM- To see these pictures please check out our Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/therufflife


Time & Date: Monday, July.9th at 6pm
Place: Bx Ranch Dog Park 
Bring: Treats, Long Leads, Training collars if necessary
Price: FREE
Working on: Distractions, Distance, and informal commands, confidence building, manners & socializing working with pager collars and problem behaviour


Time & Date: Tuesday, July.10th at 7:30pm

Place: Edo Japan - Same strip mall as Earls
Bring: Treats, long leads, money for coffee, reflective collars/jackets for dogs if you have them- DRESS WARM
Price: FREE  
Working on: Distractions, informal and formal commands, desensitizing to cars, people, sounds...etc, Confidence Boosting and Problem Behaviour.


Time & Date: Wednesday, July.11th at 6pm
Place: Bx Ranch Dog Park 
Bring: Treats, Long Leads, Training collars if necessary
Price: FREE
Working on: Distractions, Distance, and informal commands, confidence building, manners & socializing working with pager collars and problem behaviour


Time & Date: Thursday, July.12th at 6pm
Place: Bx Ranch Dog Park 
Bring: Treats, Long Leads, Training collars if necessary
Price: FREE
Working on: Distractions, Distance, and informal commands, confidence building, manners & socializing working with pager collars and problem behaviour

Selasa, 29 Maret 2016

Happy December! Schedule HOWLiday Party and Pup of the Month

Wow, its December already!  Kona is now our Pup of the Month so be sure to check him out here, hes really awesome, adorable, and a real joy to have in class.

Dont forget out HOWLiday party coming up next week!  Thursday December 8th, from 6:30 to 8:00pm well have treats and fun and games for people and dogs and wed LOVE to see all of you. 

Well have photographer Jennifer Meyers available to take amazing pictures of your pets (and you too if youd like) see some of her work here.  Arent those pictures adorable?  If youd like to have pictures taken but are worried about your pet enjoying the party atmosphere thats no problem, the pictures will be taken in a separate area of the hospital and we can have you come in a separate entrance, just let us know when you schedule your session.  Oh, and you must schedule your session in advance, there are a limited number available and theyre filling up fast!

Dont forget the dates that we will not be having class, December 19th through January 7th, and starting in January our class schedule and format will be changing a bit.  January is also National Train Your Dog Month, so well be hosting some fun events and contests so watch for those.  Plus, all training classes will be 15% off for the entire month!  More info coming soon on all of the January changes and events.

I hope all of you enjoy the holidays, happy training!

How to train a dog quickly

Many dog owners are in search of a rapid answer to how to train a dog quickly. For such an urging necessity there are not too many answers, since by “quickly” we don’t mean hours or days but at least a couple of weeks. If you’re wondering how to train a dog quickly you probably also need to know that it is absolutely necessary to practice with the dog as much as possible for the skills to actually develop. Otherwise, training may prove highly ineffectively. Those who want to find out how to train a dog quickly should first turn to special training centres.

Daily intensive practice is the first rule when you learn how to train a dog quickly. For instance, you need to get the dog’s attention that is to establish eye contact with it. Use a piece of meat out of the dog’s reach, reward the animal only when it responds to the name or the stimulus and looks at you. If you really want to learn how to train a dog quickly, you need to set the rules and make the dog play by them all the time. You’ll have to spend constant periods of time together applying the newly-learned stuff.

Don’t insist if the dog shows signs of fatigue, there’s no need to exhaust the dog as learning under such circumstances is ineffective. It may even be detrimental to insist to train a dog quickly. Don’t forget that there are lots of guide books and videos on how to train a dog quickly, and they all mention the need to do everything in the most relaxed way possible, so that neither you nor the animal feel pressure of any kind. It should take at least a week before a skill is developed and only with continuous exercise it will become permanent.

Therefore, the question how to train a dog quickly is no longer an issue, once you learn the best way to trigger correct responses from your pet. You can choose to train your dog at home or in a special centre, but whichever be the approach, you’ll have to be an active part involved. Have fun!

The Importance of Chew Toys

Ive always been a fan of appropriate chew toys for puppies, but did you know that adults need chew toys too?  They need them more than puppies!  I call it "Give your Dog a Job".  Please click on this link for information on Errorless Chew Toy Training.  Your dog will thank you! 


My favorite Chew Toys are Kong, Everlasting Treat Ball and/or Fireplug, any Premier Busy Buddy toy, Tricky Treat Ball, Buster Cube, and the Planet Dog toys.  If you have other suggestions, please let me know!

Senin, 28 Maret 2016

Is puppy Prozac a good option

About a year ago, I started working with a family who adopted a 2-year old cattle dog.  Their older cattle dog, Miles, passed away (I also worked with him), and when they adopted Radar, he had some behaviors that werent so good.  They worked diligently with Radar on a behavior treatment plan for several months, and while he made improvements, some of his triggers still set him off.  Radar was fearful and anxious, and he was a cattle dog, so he nipped and tried to herd when he was stressed.  Michelle reached out to me again when they were about to give up.  Although they were familiar with herding dogs (theyve adopted several), they just couldnt take a chance of Radar hurting someone.  Radar was at the end of the line.

We had spoken about fluoxetine (generic Prozac) briefly before, but they wanted to try behavioral methods, along with some all-natural anxiety supplements first.  I agreed.  But because Radar was so anxious and afraid, those only went so far to help him learn.  His brain still adrenalized quickly and he went in to fight or flight mode in certain situations almost as quickly as he did the day they adopted him.  When Michelle called, I gently pushed her to try fluoxetine as I have seen it work with so many dogs like Radar.  She agreed and called her veterinarian.  Radar started on fluoxetine the next day.  Here is what Michele wrote to me after about 6 weeks...

"We reached out to Kari for help with our red heeler rescue dog.  Radar was fearful and reacted aggressively when his triggers were set off. He would bite at us and our other dog, Sadie.  Those triggers included loud noises like motorcycles and diesel trucks, accidentally touching him, and getting tangled in leashes.  We were at the point of wanting to give him back to the rescue organization we had gotten him from but decided to take Karis advice and give anti-anxiety medication a try, along with continuing the behavior modification we were already doing.  Radar did well throughout the process and was very smart, but needed a little extra help in his brain when he was presented with his triggers.

We are so glad we tried the fluoxetine!  Radar is a completely different dog. He is relaxed, sweet and his fear is almost completely gone.  Even though it takes 6 weeks for the full effects of the drug to kick in, we saw an immediate change the first day he starting taking the meds.   He still has some issues with loud motorcycles and trucks but we are working with him to curb those behaviors, and managing him in situations that could be stressful.  Training is easier now as he is a more focused dog and doesnt immediately react.  We are very happy to say Radar is still part of our family!   Michelle and Jamie E."
Radar somewhere in Colorado 
So, what did the fluoxetine do?  It helped increase Radars serotonin levels so his anxiety decreased.  It helped his brain stay in a calmer place so he could focus.  It took the edge off of his stress level so his triggers didnt make him so scared.  And while it did all those things, he was able to concentrate on learning, so he will be able to wean off the fluoxetine within about 8 months once he learns new behaviors.  Meds dont have to be a lifelong thing, and the best part is that fluoxetine isnt too expensive.  

If you are struggling with anxiety and aggression with your dog, and have tried behavioral intervention, it might be time to try some anti-anxiety medications in conjunction with training... I know medications have a bad stigma to them, but they can really improve your dogs quality of life!   

Innotek Dog Training Collars

Once youve decided on using dog training collars and also have checked its legality inside your locality, the next matter to select may be the brand to purchase. There are many brands of dog collars employed for training. Innotek dog training collars are popular for many reasons. Innotek dog collars boast the next features:


With ReadyTest? youre assured of correct collar fit, battery charge status and alert on dog collar system issues. With this particular, you realize the collar isnt too tight or too lose, battery is definitely charged and youre simply made conscious of any potential difficulties with the collar. Your dogs comfort is recognized as, along with your reassurance.

FadeFREE Signal technology

Range and rf interference poses trouble for electronic dog collars and defeats the objective of using one. With FadeFREE signal technology, theres less signal fading on the wide selection. Dog Collars from Innotek cover a radius of 300 yards to at least one mile.


Innotek training collars are waterproof, thus assuring you there will not be a necessity to purchase a replacement each time your dog gets rained on, jumps to your pool or simply laps their bowl of water too eagerly. The collar and transmitter will work despite theyre submerged in water.

Visual Display

Visuals are essential. These dog collars are created with a large LCD and engineered backlight for simple status viewing night or day.

Lithium Ion Batteries

The kind of batteries matter. The rate of charging and also the life from the batteries are guaranteed by Li-Ion batteries which are the quickest charging and longest lasting one of the rest.

The features mentioned make Innotek dog collars simple to use for training your dog. Regardless if you are dog training to not chase cars, find out flower beds, bark in the mailman, pursue the neighbors cat or bark at other dogs that go by, then electronic dog collars prove useful. You need to conduct discipline in the exact moment your dog misbehaves to make certain he associates the correction towards the action he just performed. Using the wide selection, you will not need to stop what you are doing, run in the speed of sunshine to where your pet is simply to berate him for doing something he shouldnt. Youll likely reach him following the event has ended. He cant connect your scolding towards the action he performed one minute ago and would only wind up unclear about your management of him. It goes without saying: Innotek dog training collars are must-haves in training your dog without having to sacrifice the emotional connection youve together with your pet.


Shock Collar Dog Training the fast and simple Way

Dog training having a shock collar is a great method to quickly and easily train your pet. Because of the training shock collar dogs are coerced into behaving faster and stop them from being distracted too much time that could hinder your dog training.

Shock collars and then any type of collar training may appear type of cruel, however they dont actually shock your dog. The shock is much more of the stimulation like when someone gets shocked by static electricity after walking over carpet using their socks on. It causes no permanent harm for that dog and it is probably the most effect dog training techniques available.

To begin you need to set the stimulation degree of the collar towards the lowest amount the dog can sense, we do not wish to fry our furry little friend will we? (Just kidding, although it is kinda mean to achieve the jolt on its highest setting when its not essential ) By sensing, I am talking about some type of reaction in the dog where one can tell they spot the stimulation, for example an ear twitch, or perhaps a slight jerk, scratching just like a flea is biting them, or another obvious sign.

The first type of shock collar training we will discuss is behavior avoidance, this is actually the most typical technique that individuals uses shock collars for. The next time your pet does something you cant stand, like engaging in the garbage can and creating a mess from the trash, place the shock collar on the dog and watch for him to approach the garbage can, once he gets close to the trash can provide him a buzz until he moves from the trash can.

Repeat this course of action each time your dog gets close to the trash can. Now you must to become in conjuction with the shock collar dog training, otherwise your dog will become familiar with the collar is exactly what is really resulting in the stimulation, rather than thinking it is the trash can. Eventually your dog can get the purpose and can leave the garbage can alone.

The next type of shock collar training involves teaching your dog to recall. Recall is how your dog simply learns to maneuver for the owner when he receives the shock. This really is helpful for if you are outside together with your dog and that he becomes distracted with a car, as well as helps simply to keep your dog who are around you. Eventually your dog will become familiar with to stay towards the owners side like glue.

To start the recall dog training whenever your dog is from he has some stimulation after which advice the dog in your direction, either by calling him, or getting anyone to push him in your direction, etc. Once he moves inside a few steps individuals immediately stop the stimulation. Soon your dog will become familiar with the safe destination for a be is as simple as the owners side, or inside the immediate vicinity from the owner, and can stay there to avoid being shocked.

The last kind of shock collar training, which is not actually an exercise technique or anything, but its the dogs constant a reaction to the collar, because he soon learns to simply accept the collar, and begins anticipating the shock. Its known as avoidance training. Eventually your dog will become familiar with you may anticipate the shock and then try to prevent it as being almost as much ast possible. Following this point your dog will often do whatever needs doing not receiving shocked. This really is good because he then will more often than not attempt to beat the shock collar, with only infrequent reminders its there.

Dog training having a shock collar is an extremely effective approach to dog training thats completely humane and saves considerable time. Additionally, it gives you beneficial training techniques like behavior avoidance, recall training and avoidance training. Avoidance training and recall are a few things that may be very difficult to show to some stubborn dog using normal methods when the dog does not want to pay attention. There more dog shock collar training techniques that Ive yet to relate, i have listed basics.


Train Your Dog Properly With This Guides

Dog training can be very intimidating to someone that has never done it before. There is a lot of information out there and sorting through it all can seem difficult. These are just some tips to help you start out with dog training the right way.

The best way to teach a dog good behavior is to never let poor behavior take hold. Dogs find it much harder to break existing bad habits than to learn new, positive ones. For instance, a dog that is never fed table scraps is less likely to beg at the table.

 When training your dog, do not include any punishments. Taking preventative measures to avoid the occurrence of a bad behavior to begin with is always best, however, if your dog does get out of line, demonstrate how it should have been done rather than scolding him. Training your dog is a great way to develop a positive relationship with him.

 Dont give up on training your dog, no matter what. Through constant and positive reinforcement, you will be able to train your dog to retain the behaviors you teach them. Taking care of your dog must include instituting a training plan, as well as meeting his food and shelter needs.

 Everyone in the family should use the exact same commands when training your dog. If you mix up commands, like one family member saying "up" when another says "jump," the dog will have a more difficult time figuring out what you want. As long as you use consistency, then your dog has a great chance of learning all of the tricks and behaviors that you wish.

 If you catch your puppy chewing on things, stop him. By doing this, you are teaching him what is okay to chew on.

 If your dog suffers from separation anxiety when youre away, encourage him to bond with other members of the household. This will help it be less focused on the fact that you are not home.

 Get your dog used to the things they will encounter when going for a vet visit. Practice gently moving your hands all over your dogs body and reward him for staying calm. You also need to get him ready to have his paws held and looked at, as well as his teeth examined. Ask your friends to help out, as well.

 Dont be ashamed to ask for help if your training program doesnt change your dogs behavior. Particularly if you are struggling to achieve the results you desire, professional help may be just what you need. Professional dog trainers know the ins and outs of this better than you. This may be what to takes to get your dog started on the right foot.

 A trick you could teach your dog is to hold something in his mouth, such as a toy. Get your dogs attention with a clicker and reward him with a snack when he tastes or mouths the toy. When this has happened several times, hold off until the dog grabs the toy with his or her mouth. As this happens, press the clicker and then offer the reward. Also, rewards should only be given if the toy remains in the dogs mouth.

 Your dog needs to be mentally stimulated just like a human does. Visit your local pet shop for new and entertaining toys for your dog on a regular basis. If you neglect your dog, your dog wont neglect to chew up your valuable possessions.

 Have fun with your dog each day when training. A sense of play brings you and your dog together. This bond makes the dog more responsive to your commands and training him easier. Having fun with your dog during training is one thing, but playing and having fun with your dog outside of training is also necessary.

 Keeping your dog active is an important part of successful dog training and is also good for their health. Dogs are not made to sit around. The happiest, healthiest dogs run and work. Run with your dog, take it to the park or teach it to play Frisbee. Do not allow your dog to become bored and keep it entertained by keeping it active.

 Any complicated or multistage task you would like to teach your dog should be broken down into steps. A great example of a teachable command is having your dog get the paper in the mornings. You will need to teach him or her how to hold something first. Next, he must learn the name of the object. After that, you should teach him how to take the object in his mouth. Then, he should give it to you. Breaking a task into small steps will make the information your dog has to process much more digestible and consequently, more easily accomplished.

 Keep your dog well exercised and active. Dogs can get bored easily. A bored dog will try and find something interesting to do, and training is not usually interesting. When your dog is exercised and is happy, training will be easier. Walk or run your dog frequently.

 You will find dogs are simply dogs. Allow for activities that let him be himself and have fun. Dogs need to eat well, a spacious run, and lots of toys and interesting things to occupy their time.

 As with any professional, research their reputation to verify that you are getting the best animal behavior specialist out there. There are a lot of different approaches taken by dog trainers concerning how to correctly train a dog. Understand the trainers philosophy so that you can be sure the trainers approach is similar with your own views of dog training.

 If your dog suffers from separation anxiety, you should encourage him to have connections with others. The dog must develop relationships with others in order to diffuse its unhealthy fixation with you.

 Dogs that have trouble with separation anxiety need to develop stronger relationships with others in your household. Allowing the dog to establish relationships with new people will lessen its dependence on the owner.

 A clicker works well when training most dogs. Using a clicker is as simple as showing your dog that good things happen when the clicking noise is heard. Try using this technique right away, doing it frequently over a span of a few days. Your dog will soon know that the clicking noise means that they are doing a good job.

 It is hoped that you have found some guidance from these suggestions. Remember these tips as a guide to helping you train your dog, so both you and your dog will be very happy..

Facts About Dog Training Need To Know

If you have never tried to train an animal, the idea may be rather intimidating. There is a lot of information out there and sorting through it all can seem difficult. These are just some tips to help you start out with dog training the right way.

Your dog should enjoy being trained by you. Keep in mind that your dog does not have an attention span that goes beyond fifteen minutes. Keep your rewards coming and vary what you give them. Your dog should enjoy lots of praise for a job well-done. Your dog will be more receptive if you make training time fun!

 When you can learn what will motivate your dog, you will have more success in your training. Spend some time to learn what all about your dog - what will work for him, what he likes, and which training techniques will be a waste of time. Offer your dog a lot of positive reinforcement and an array of training techniques. When the dog is happy, he will want to perform better.

 If your dog has separation anxiety, its important that it learns to connect with more than one person. The dogs relationships to other people serve to dilute its unhealthy level of dependence and fixation on you that causes it so much grief.

 Do not take out your other frustrations on your dog by speaking to it sternly for no reason. Keep in mind that unless your dog has misbehaved immediately before your interaction, your behavior toward the dog should be positive in nature.

 Positively encourage your dog without using treats. Offering treats as rewards for learning new tricks or behavior can be effective. However, its unlikely that you will carry treats around every single day for the rest of your dogs life. Petting and hugging dogs as positive reinforcement while training is better than giving them treats.

 Modify and update your dogs training as necessary, so he remains in compliance with the rules. A lot of owners will train their dogs once and not conduct any refreshers. Like their human owners, pets truly are creatures of habit. Therefore, it is vital that your dog follows an established rule system at all times.

 Dogs can learn a multi-step behavior by stepwise refinement just like humans can. One example might be to teach him to fetch your daily newspaper. You will need to teach him or her how to hold something first. Next, your dog will need to learn the objects name. After that, he needs to learn how to lift up the object. Finally, he should learn to bring the object to you. If you break it down, your dog will understand the linear relationship of the behavior.

 Limit the time of your training sessions with your dog so he doesnt lose focus. Dogs can only handle a short amount of training at a time, so dont overdo it. Try limiting training sessions to 10 minutes or less.

 Dogs learn by repetitive technique and reward. Repetition and reward are the best ways to train a dog. However, you should limit your training sessions to a certain time frame otherwise you may both become frustrated. This is the most effective way to modify a dogs behavior or teach him a trick. You have to show them with plenty of repetition and rewards.

 You wont get anywhere in your dog training routine if your dog feels unsafe. If they do not feel safe, they may show bad behavior. Make your dogs surroundings comfortable and safe in order for this not to happen.

 Do not give your dog any punishments when you are in the process of training. Try to prevent bad behavior, but if it does happen, show your dog what he should have done. Training is about teaching your dog, and building a good relationship with him.

 Never try to train a dog while youre short on patience. If youve had a bad day or are unusually short-tempered for some other reason today, its better to put off training until another day. Your patience is vital for encouraging the focused attention your dog needs to get the full benefits of training.

 Your tone of voice is very important when you discipline your dog. Dogs tend to be well in tune with how their trainers are feeling. A firm but stern tone should be enough to reinforce discipline.

 Do not wear out your new puppy with an excessive training regiment. A puppys attention span is short and their energy is limited, so your sessions should be short and positive. If you push too hard, your puppy will remember it as a negative experience, and the next time you work to train him, it will be far more difficult.

 If you know that your dog will react negatively in response to certain triggers, distract him until the moment is over. If your dog is antisocial around other dogs, distract him with something interesting if you get near other neighborhood dogs. This will allow him to make the relation between the positive stimuli and positive things happening.

 If your puppy is caught chewing on something unacceptable, stop him immediately. This helps teach them that they cannot chew on some things and can help them leave your belongs alone when youre not watching.

 Use dog treats that are tasty for your dog, and are of high value in order to obtain great results. Since these treats will be handed out sparingly, it should not matter too much if they are usually off limit items.

 When looking at dog trainers, do a lot of research. Check user reviews on the Internet and learn their training methods. Make sure that the specialist has ideas in line with yours.

 You can prevent your dog from destroying your home by keeping it outdoors when you are away from the house. When this isnt possible, you want to provide things that both appeal to your dog and that are okay for the dog to chew on. Establishing acceptable chews toys is also about keeping those things you do not want your dog to chew up behind closed doors or well out out of reach.

 Utilizing the fore-mentioned tips can enable you to curb common training problems and misconceptions. If you keep these tips in the back of your mind when its time to train your dog, it will kick-start your training into an ultra-efficient routine..

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